Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Home.

I am SO very sorry for not writing sooner!

Life has been crazy. We got into Taipei about 11pm on Tuesday the 26th & made it to our hotel an hour later. The next three days were jam=packed with training sessions & seminars. Then on Friday we spent most of the day traveling to our little town of Yuli. And I love it! The countryside is amazing! The people are friendly, the kids are eager to learn & I am so at peace. Tired, but at peace.

I left my camera cord at home, so I'll put photos up when mom mails it! =) (Thank you mom!!)

Some prayer requests:
- That I would be productive this afternoon. My classes are over for the day & I have time alone to work on things - pray that I take advantage of it!
- Ministry opportunities. The English teacher I worked with for 2 classes this morning saw me reading my Bible before class started & asked me why my God was different than hers. The people here are very open to hearing the gospel, but because their religion is so intertwined with their culture, change is incredibly difficult.
- Our team. That we would continue to work well together toward the common goal of glorifying our Savior & see insignificant things for what they are - ridiculous!
- Energy. I come home from school exhausted. The kids drain you & attempting Chinese drains you even more. :P Please pray that He would sustain us, but also give us wisdom on what activities to participate in & events to attend. (Trust me, the invitations are never ceasing!)

That is all for now, love you!


Stephanie said...

love you dear girl! :) you will be in my prayers for sure!!!

The DCFM Blog said...

Hey YOU! You are missed very muchly!!! It is SO strange not having you around! I miss you!! (have I mentioned that yet??) So glad you're doing this blog. Makes you feel a *little bit* closer.... And it's great to know how things are going and how we can be praying.

Bless you, dear girl. He is with you!

The DCFM Blog said...

Oh, btw, that was Kay. ^ :D

Can you make this so more than just Bloggers can post? :D

The rest of the year in DCFM won't be the same without you! But we're glad you're where God wants you. :D